The Soldiers’ Angels Adopt-A-Family Program is a great way to give back
to deserving military families for the holidays. Participants “adopt” an
eligible military family and provide gifts for the children and a grocery gift
card for the family to purchase their holiday meal. Eligibility requirements
are listed below.
• Deployed Service Members who are registered and approved for
Soldiers’ Angels Deployed Support Program, are an E1-E6, meet
income requirements, and will be deployed through December 25,
• Honorably discharged Post-911 Wounded, Ill, and Injured service
members and veterans.
• HUD/VASH veteran families. The veteran must upload a letter
from their HUD/VASH caseworker and must have received an
honorable discharge.
• All families must have a biological or step-child, ages 18 and under,
living in the home and not yet graduated high school.
• All families will be placed on a priority placement list. Families who
have not participated in the Adopt-A-Family Program in the past
and those with the greatest need will have priority.
Further details can be found on their website.