NCC Training Verification Form NCC Training Verification Form 2 CSS Supervisor Name * CSS Supervisor Email * CSS Supervisor Phone Number * CSS Name Agency Name * Agency Location * NCC Case Manager Name * Neuro Community Care Trainings Completed: * “CSS Onboarding" Training Reviewed NCC Service Provider Guide External Readings Completed: * "Spinal Cord Injury" Information Webinars Completed: * "Creating Relationships" Vimeo Webinar PsychArmor Trainings Completed: * "Invisible Wounds of War" 4-Part Training "15 Things Veterans Want You To Know" Training Quizzes Completed: * Classmarker Quiz (scored at least 80%) Registered for Writing it Right Documentation Clinic: * I have registered for a Documentation Clinic webinar to attend ~2 months following start of services for the warrior By clicking "Submit" below, I acknowledge that the CSS and/or CSS Supervisor listed on this form has completed all of the above trainings. As the CSS Supervisor, I acknowledge that I have reviewed the IP Service Provider Guide with all agency employees working under this contract. I understand that whenever new staff are hired to work with IP warriors, the information will be reviewed as part of the orientation process. Additionally, I understand that any new CSS staff must complete these trainings. reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.